Thursday, May 1, 2014

Fool The Network Hunters (Hackers)

Portspoof is meant to be a lightweight, fast, portable and secure addition to the any firewall system or security system. The general goal of the program is to make the information gathering phase slow and bothersome for your attackers as much it is only possible. This is quite a change to the standard 5s Nmap scan, that will give a full view of your systems running services.

So let’s start directly. So this is how the common structure of portspoof. First I will mention normal network structure without using portspoof and then with using portspoof. Below figure shows the normal structure of my network.

Here when attacker scans the CentOS server’s network then first request will be sent to Iptables and according to iptables rule it will send the respond to the server. So currently in my iptables standard rules have been set. 

As you can see port 22 is open and any connection thorough client machine to server’s ssh service is allowed. So if I scan this network through NMAP from my KALI linux which I am considering as an attacker’s machine then it will show me below result.

Now let’s check the network configuration with portspoof. Make sure portspoof’s default port is 4444. You can change it according to your need. 

As we can see in the above picture when an attacker sends an nmap scan request to the centos server, then first it gets received to the iptables. Then rather than responding to the attacker machine, iptables forward that request to the portspoof on 4444 port and it enables portspoof to respond to the attacker’s machine in order to show all 65535 ports open.

Let’s Start Demonstration …
Firstly I am flushing all the rules of iptables and I am letting all packets allow into my network. To do so there is a following command shown below:

Iptables –f
After giving this command if you want to see the current policy then you can check it with below command.

iptables –l

Now it’s time to configure our iptables with the portspoof. For that lets download and install portspoof. I have downloaded rpm package of portspoof. Below command installs that package.

rpm –ivh portspoof-1.0-5.1.i686.rpm

Command/Command Option
rpm package manager
Install package
Prints routine process verbose information
Print 50 hash marks as the package archive is unpacked.

Next thing to do is to flush all the current firewall rules. As we already checked previously we do not have any rules set in our current firewall. So apply those iptables –f and –l command in your server to cross verify our process.
Then as we can see from above pic that our firewall is up and running and it is allowing all packets from any network. Not it is time to forward those packets to portspoof in order to reply the client machine. To do so command is as follow.
iptables –t nat  –A PREROUTING –i eth0 –p tcp –m tcp --dport 1:65535 –j REDIRECT --to-ports 4444
Command/Command Option
Linux default firewall.
Appends the iptables rule to the end of the specified chain. This is the command used to add a rule when rule order in the chain does not matter.
It specifies the table name which we are going to use.
Selecting the interface.
Additional match options are also available through modules loaded by the iptables command. To use a match option module, load the module by name using the -m option, such as -m (replacing with the name of the module).
Sets the default policy for the specified chain, so that when packets traverse an entire chain without matching a rule, they are sent on to the specified target, such as ACCEPT or DROP.
Destination port
Destination port to forward.

 Last few words in this command is very important that first it will collect all the packets accepted by an iptables and then it will forward it to the 4444 port which is a by default port of our portspoof tool.
Now let’s scan the target.(Keep in mind that we have not configured our portspoof.)

Now it shows that our host(CentOS) is live and running but it is not showing any list of open port. It suggests that we have successfully configured our iptables with the portspoof. So our iptables is successfully sending all incoming packets to the portspoof. Now it is time to configure portspoof.
Portspoof runs with its two main files which is lying in /etc/ folder shown as below.

In config file, all the rules have been written that how and what should portspoof reply to the client machine and in signatures there are lots of signature of various scanning tools.
For example if I do normal nmap of 1 host, it will only show me port xyz is open and it will also show me port number. But, if I use nmap with –sV command then it will also try to fetch the service name which is used by the server and it will show me at the client side. So these –sV and like these other signatures are detected by the portspoof and it gives false results according to the request.
To start portspoof lets check the help to determine which options are provided to us.

Two mandatory options are needed to run the portspoof. Command to run portspoof is as follow.
portspoof –c /etc/portspoof.conf –s /etc/portspoof_signatures
One you give this command it will look like as follow.

Now it is time to scan from our attacker machine(Kali Linux).

As you can see starting from 1st, it will show all 65535 ports open. Actually these ports are not actually open or even exists but thus how we are fooling attacker to make him see all 65535 ports are opened.

If you want to scan that host with any signature within nmap then it will show as below. I am using nmap with –v and –A option. Then result will be as follows.

If you can remember when we started portspoof it was on verbose mode. So if we check that host machine now it will show some information related to log that which kinds of threads have been coming and which kind of signature reply that portspoof tool has given in respond to that request. This information will show as follow.

Thus how you can fool the attacker or a noob. If you configure this he will be confused and out of his mind that which port is actually and legitimately open. If he is a pro noob then he will start hunting from port 1st to 65535(Hope so). So this is a very lightweight small tool to make attackers fool as well as to increase the amount of attack time with which you might trace the actual attacker.


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